Reclame la bere

July 9, 2008

Top 10

[poll id=”4″]

Mai jos ne putem delecta cu unele dintre cele mai reusite reclame la bere. Reclamale celor de la Budweiser sunt puse intr-o sectiune separata. (altfel ar fi monopolizat topul)

             1- 5            

No. 1 – Hahn: Love the taste.

No. 2 – Tooheys: What mates do.

No. 3Moretti zero: 0 % Alcohol. 100% Beer.

No. 4 – Carlsberg – (Your sister? You didn’t tell me you have a brother…)

No 5 – Guiness: Good things come to those who wait.

            6 – 10          

No. 6 – Tuborg: It’ a good life!

No. 7 – Tiger: Taste it in this life.

No. 8 – Heineken: The perfect gentleman.

No. 9 – Tuborg: Open it for fun. (Steel teeth)

No. 10 – Brahma


Budweiser Logo


Last modified on 2009-01-21 21:23:03 GMT. 3 comments. Top.

[poll id=”5″]

Aici gasiti unele dintre cele mai bune reclame la bere, altele decat cele de la Budweiser.

Bud # 1

Bud #2

Bud #3

Bud #4

Bud #5

Bud #6

Bud #7

Bud #8

Bud #9

Bud #10



Avem 4 comentarii la articolul “Reclame la bere”

  1. Nebun@tik on July 9th, 2008 3:38 pm

    LOL, la nr 4. E tare!!!! 😉

  2. Jan on July 9th, 2008 6:48 pm

    Cea mai inteligenta e nr. 5. Un vot de la mine.

  3. Budweiser commercials | on July 10th, 2008 10:45 am

    […] Cea mai inteligenta e nr. 5. Un vot de la mine….Jan […]

  4. Ciumacu on July 20th, 2008 4:46 pm

    Moretti zero: 0 % Alcohol. 100% Beer – o fi faina reclama, da berea fara ceva alcohol acolo nu e bere. 😀

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